Antoinette Freeman
Nov 1, 2009
Dear Antoinette,
Prior to joining the Hoffnagle team in June, you served for many
years as a Flex staff in residential services; this gave you a
great deal of experience dealing with many different personalities,
ability levels, and challenges. Fortunately, you also had positive
experiences supporting individuals in SPIN's Behavioral Health
Unit. So when the call came to support the three ladies at
Hoffnagle Street, you drew on your four years of super training and
became part of the Hoffnagle team.
Hannah, Jinnell, and Stephanie are unique and wonderful women who
could keep an army of DSPs busy. Each have moved from a restrictive
setting to a CLA environment and each has had to learn the fine art
of balancing choice and independence with responsibility. Not so
easy for young twenty somethings. And then there is the issue of
three young twenty somethings learning to live together….think dorm
nightmare! Well Antoinette you were not to be deterred by all of
this and you calmly and patiently used all of the positive
approaches known to woman and helped each young woman learn to deal
more appropriately with each situation as it arose. You've also
introduced them to healthy eating by visiting a produce store, the
wonderful benefits of reading by obtaining library cards and the
everyday fun of watching animals at a nearby farm. Your secret
weapon seems to be guidance rather than telling them what they
should do. A smart move since most twenty somethings don't like
"being told."
So it is my honor to present to you the Employee of the Month
award and to thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors, your
fellow employees and Hannah, Jinnell, and Stephanie for your
professionalism, your wisdom and your caring concerns for the
ladies and your Hoffnagle team. We appreciate the role model you
are in carrying out the mission of our agency.
Trina Losinno
Executive Director