Caitlin Burns
Oct 1, 2010
Dear Caitlin,
It is a pleasure to honor you today as Employee of the Month for
October. While Rashim Lancit, Director of the Frankford Children's
Services Center officially nominated you, your classroom team and
families you support, suggested to Rashim that you be honored in
some way for the exemplary work that you do. That, in itself, is a
special honor!
Since beginning at SPIN you have been most dependable, always
meeting deadlines for all 26 of the children on your caseload.
Though you usually maintain the highest number and often the most
challenging children on your caseload, you write thoughtful and
caring Evaluation Reports, Individual Education Programs and family
contacts. You never take short cuts or shortchange anyone. And of
course you care about and support the children, their families and
the staff who work with you in amazing ways.
As lead teacher for the past two years, you have assumed
responsibility for mentoring your team and supporting them in the
learning process needed to support children with many and varying
challenges. You regularly and consistently ask peers and managers
for feedback and ideas for improving your classroom. Pursuing your
Masters Degree in Special Education has added to your development
as a teacher and a team leader. As an LEA representative your
additional training has helped you become an excellent meeting
leader and writer. You are the ultimate professional and every
principal's dream teacher!
The SPIN Board of Directors, your fellow employees and the
children and families you support join me in thanking you for your
dedication and passion. You are a shining example of the SPIN
mission and values. Congratulations.
Trina Losinno
Executive Director