Sunday, January 5, 2025

Chantelle Pickett

Chantelle Pickett

Jun 1, 2010

Dear Chantelle,

One only has to look at the bleak job market picture over the past two years to know that being a Job Coach at this time is no picnic. Keeping people with a disability employed or finding them new jobs in tough economic times is a huge challenge. You have been successful for the past nine years no matter what the challenges are.

You have helped many individuals find their dream job whether it be processing customer licenses at PennDOT or stocking shelves at their favorite store. You treat every individual on your caseload as if they are the most important and you work tirelessly to promote the philosophy of Community Integrated Employment in the business community. You ensure successful employment through great communication between team members and you build relationships between the individual and their managers and co-workers. The job retention rate for your caseload is phenomenal; rarely is a job ever lost.

One of your most important skills is your ability to customize jobs and personalize your support. You often go above and beyond to ensure that the individual and the job are "right fit." And when someone needs extra support to deal with difficult life situations that may impact negatively on their job, you are there to help them find solutions and balance their personal life with their work life.

The employees of the CIE department count you as a leader and an inspiration. You demonstrate daily your belief that everyone is employable and you constantly look for creative new ways to support people. And, you never give up!

So it is my pleasure to honor you as the Employee of the Month and to thank you for your dedication on behalf of the Board of Directors, your fellow employees and the individuals you support and all of their employers. You bring people together to create success and enhance lives. 

Trina Losinno
Executive Director