Sunday, January 5, 2025

Chris Wilson

Chris Wilson

Feb 1, 2008

This being Valentine's Day you know I have to do the "Roses are red" thing; so here goes:

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Chris is a computer wiz
And a gentleman too!"

Albert Fabrizio nominated you for Employee of the Month and characterized you as a gentleman among other things.

My favorite definition of gentleman was from the American Heritage Dictionary: A well mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior. The definition goes on to describe a gentleman as a man of independent means who does not need to have a wage-paying job; so, we took you off payroll. You're helping us for free! Just kidding.

Everyone at SPIN, Inc. appreciates your quiet, polite and considerate approach to helping computer users when they run into problems. We appreciate that you listen to our issue or question; you thoughtfully deliberate and then set about implementing the solution. We may not always follow your explanations of how you helped us but we do appreciate being given information and being involved in the process when appropriate. Of course we also like receiving a note on our computer that its "all better" if we happen not to be in our office when you come to take a look.

So it is my honor to present to you the Employee of the Month award and to thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors, all of your favorite computer users even the ones who call you ten times for the same problem and everyone who benefits from the high level of technology that SPIN has become known for. We are happy to count you as one of our many special valentines.


Trina Losinno
Executive Director