Dealmond Johnson
May 1, 2009
If there was ever someone who lives the maxim "The sky's the
limit" it's you! You truly believe in people, support them and then
delight in seeing them blossom right before your eyes. This applies
to the people SPIN, Inc. supports and the people you support in
their journey to become great Direct Support Professionals.
You have been working at SPIN, Inc. for just under five years but
to watch you one would think that it's been decades. You have
learned your lessons well and now you teach them to others. You
combine unique skills, talents and a dynamic personality every
month at Traditions when you lead five new employees through the
day and mentor them during their three month learning period. You
inspire others to be the best they can be!
Recently you joined the Human Resources Leadership Opportunities
Team and spend one day of the week in the HR department providing
top quality customer service to SPIN, Inc. employees. You do
whatever is needed but love training; you are certified to teach
CPR, First Aid and in house courses such as Team Building,
Documentation and Effective Interventions to name a few. Gail and
Debbie say that, "Overall DJ creates shared drive and purpose,
promotes harmony and teamwork and is humbled by his contributions
and achievements"!
So it is my pleasure to honor you today with the Employee of the
Month award and to thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors,
your fellow employees, especially our new DSPs and all of the
individuals you support. An unknown author was quoted as saying, "A
good teacher is like a candle… it consumes itself naturally to
light the way for others". You truly light up our lives.
Trina Losinno
Executive Director