Mar 1, 2014
Dear Erika,
On May 15, 2006, our Frankford community opened its doors and its heart when a talented, creative, energetic, caring Miss Erika Hendrix walked right through and we have been so lucky ever since! There is no doubt that Miss Erika is a true professional and an integral part of our preschool team at SPIN Frankford.
Erika, in your role as a Paraprofessional, you have demonstrated incredible patience and flexibility by supporting big and little people to enhance their quality of life by having FUN!! You have smiled your way and created an energized atmosphere that is contagious! Your children first/people first attitude ensures that the needs of all children are the priority and you will do whatever it takes to get this done!
When we think of Miss Erika, we think of the special magic that you bring to every classroom. Whether you are teaching signs during the preschool special education class circle time or creating fun and developmentally appropriate art activities for a Head Start class, you “Bring The Party”, as Trina Losinno encouraged us to do. Most especially, Miss Erika, you are a key member of our Autistic Support Classroom 3 Team as you work so beautifully on a daily basis with children with intense behavioral challenges and communication delays. These children grow and develop based upon your care and concern.
Erika, a special talent of yours is that you create a school environment that is so welcoming and educational for the children, the families and your fellow Frankford colleagues. You go above and beyond your position expectations by creating incredible bulletin boards and classroom decorations along with sharing your wonderful baking talents with our staff and families. Your dedicated and enthusiastic efforts each day, every day, present an outstanding example to all who have the privilege and the honor of witnessing your high performance action. You help organize and support children of such important pre-school ages learn and play in a healthy, fun, meaningful, and highly supportive learning environment. You especially offer your Frankford colleagues an opportunity to see your passionate dedication in all that you do.
Erika, your people first approaches are recognized by all. Your Can Do attitude encourages everyone and supports children of all abilities to believe in themselves. Erika, we are so fortunate that you demonstrate your leadership here at SPIN and that you live SPIN’s mission as you support the children to enjoy an inclusive, meaningful life. You demonstrate SPIN’s Pillars in all that you do and you never do anything without that tremendous SMILE and FUN! You support us to be better people and we thank you so very much!
Erika, you define that leader who believes that possibilities are endless and go hand in hand with them, showing them how to be successful. Your skills and talents are an example to all and luckily you share them with others through your collaborative approach and strong teamwork ability. It is no doubt that your colleagues and supervisors rely on your leadership skills.
On behalf of the SPIN Corporate Board, the SPIN Management Team, your colleagues, and countless members of the big and little people “Miss Erika Fan Club”, I congratulate you on this very well-deserved Employee of the Month Award for March, 2014. Your love of life is contagious and we thank you for supporting so many children and their families to live a life of possibility.
With Deepest Congratulations and Appreciation,
Judith Dotzman
Executive Director