Faye Allen Buckson
Oct 24, 2016
October 17, 2016
Dear Faye,
Sister Sledge got it right! “We Are Family!” and as American Writer Richard Bach said “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.”
In 2008, SPIN was fortunate enough that someone who understands and demonstrates this kind of respect and joy walked through our Frankford doors; Faye Allen Buckson has been sharing her gifts and talents as SPIN’s Family Resource Coordinator and her impact is felt throughout our children services.
Faye, you are a critical member of SPIN’s “Welcome Wagon” and your Ambassador skills make families feel important and connected. The Frankford Management team and your proud nominators boasted that “Faye works tirelessly to welcome our new families, complete Head Start intakes, assist our families in securing much needed resources such as food, clothing, housing information, employment and educational opportunities and mental health supports. Faye demonstrates and lives SPIN’s four Pillars!”
One great example of Faye’s incredible, longstanding impact with families is this one.
In December Faye and her partner Rachel, work with our classroom teachers, families and the wonderful companies that donate holiday gifts for over 250 children each year. Faye and Rachel complete gift tags with preferred gifts, sort organize, wrap and distribute the gifts that truly make the holiday for our children and families so bright. One day a SPIN employee from another department went to conduct her first visit with a family. Her experience was very positive for many reasons and she left the home and wrote this note to share a critical story with us.
I just left my initial visit with ------. When I gave his grand mom my welcome letter and she saw SPIN on the top of it, she was so happy. She said" I love SPIN!” Years ago she worked with a social service support person, Ms. Faye, out of the Frankford office and she said she will never forget how Ms. Faye helped her family with getting clothes, diapers and making their Christmas so special. She said she tells others all the time, "You better get SPIN if you want the best service". This new SPIN employee was so excited, so motivated and so proud to hear this about her employer and she felt so proud to represent SPIN”
Faye, your strong and confident people first approaches highlight your willingness, initiative and competence to increase your responsibility and deliver high performance results. You connect children and families and help them to feel included and valued and they trust that you will support them all along the way. Your ability to coordinate and collaborate with all stakeholders is so important to their success. Based upon your knowledge, your skill, your caring commitment and your well known trusting relationships, you make a huge difference and truly support people to live a life of possibilities.
Faye, on behalf of the SPIN Corporate Board, SPIN’s Management team, your colleagues and most importantly the thousands of families that you have supported and connected for their bright future, we congratulate you on this most deserving Employee of the Month Award.
Faye, We Are Family and we thank you for your bond of respect and joy in each other's life that links us.
With Deepest Congratulations and Appreciation,
Judith Dotzman
Executive Director