Frank Hohenstein
Mar 5, 2012
Dear Frank,
For over 40 years, SPIN has been a mission based, values led organization that this community has seen deliver outcomes that have changed people’s lives. The quote that guided SPIN’s founders and has united us in past, present and future certainly has been Goethe’s humble and powerful words, "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being". Goethe, a quiet leader teaches and empowers us to stay true to our course and Frank, it is through your quiet, yet trusted leadership that we see these amazing words come to life.
Frank, from the day that you joined us at SPIN on November 1, 1998, we knew that we were more than fortunate. Quickly, you were recognized for your genuine care and concern, devotion to everyone and everything, high skills and competencies and a maturity well beyond your years. Your talents ranged and we were able to see that your immense creativity was embedded in everything that you set out to achieve; it was not just in your mind but in your hands and you committed this creativity to all you said and all you did.
Through your 13 dedicated years of service at SPIN, you have shared yourself in every giving action. As a Direct Support Professional and Home Life Coordinator, you set the bar for the true application of SPIN’s Pillars as your People First, Professional, Performance Excellence and Productivity everyday activities clearly demonstrate their essence. However, there are three gentlemen who have been lucky enough to have you in their lives, creating and supporting their life of possibilities, Ron, Mike and Fred. I remember the first time that I had the honor of spending time with you and Ron, Mike and Fred, I watched and marveled at your belief and investment in them and your advocation for them. You didn’t do things for them, you didn’t make it easy for them, you motivated them, you stretched them and you admired them for all that they taught you along the way.
You support the men to live a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and wellness plans. When Ron wanted to become not just a member but an active member of SPARC, you supported Ron to overcome a major obstacle that certainly could have kept him from being able to meet the expectations of his SPARC leadership role. Ron’s communication challenges created a barrier in his being able to make follow up phone calls to SPARC members reminding them of the next meeting. With your creative support, Ron was able to purchase an adapted phone that digitized his voice so that those he called could understand his voice more clearly. Ron’s critical role ensured the SPARC members’ attendance at the meetings; Ron’s social capital grew by leaps and bounds.
In addition, you have always supported the men to have strong, vibrant relationships with their families. You have been an example to all of us in how to listen to people and engage them in pursuing their dreams. Frank, when Ron needed you most, you ensured that he spent precious time visiting his parents, supported him as he grieved the loss of his mother, Doris, last year and his father, Marty, last month. All along you respected their special bond and created private, special moments that Ron will remember and treasure all his life. As a devoted son, he was able to pay final honor to them as Marty’s Shiva was observed at Ron’s new home; an indication of true relevance and a mitzvah he was able to do for his family.
Frank, I am certain that Marty would say to you today that you are not only a top performing SPIN employee but most importantly, you are a Mensch, a person of integrity and honor. So, on behalf of SPIN’s Corporate Board, SPIN Managers, your colleagues, Ron, Mike, Fred and their families, it is my privilege to present to you February’s Employee of the Month Award. We thank you for treating Ron, Mike and Fred as they ought to be and helping them to become what they are capable of being.
With sincere appreciation,
Judith R. Dotzman
Executive Director