Jason Chasz
Feb 1, 2010
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship
of those who are throughout persuaded of each other's worth."
Robert Soathey
Dear Jason,
There's no doubt about it, you and Ray Jackson are friends. Your
relationship fits every definition and eloquent saying I could
find. When Ray moved to LifeSharing you knew it was important that
he maintain his relationship with his friends at Ripley, including
yourself. So, even though it is not your job responsibility, you
contact Ray just about every weekend to invite him to join the
Ripley gang for dinner out or a movie or dancing. You and Ray both
like Rock and Roll. When Ray wanted to go to a KISS concert, his
all time favorite, you went with Ray on your own time. Because
that's what friends do!
Recently, Ray was having some difficulty adjusting to some new job
duties and he turned to you for after work support. Talking things
out with his friends helped Ray make this important transition. You
are a good listener and gave Ray encouragement when he most needed
Whenever Rays phone rings and it's you on the line, Ray smiles
broadly and knows you are there for him. You may just chat or you
may make plans to go out; it doesn't matter, you are there. Robert
Louis Stevenson said, "A friend is a present you give yourself."
Your friendship is a great gift to Ray but somehow I think Ray is a
gift to you also.
It is a pleasure to honor you as Employee of the Month and to
thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors, your fellow
employees, Laura Fekete-Colon and of course Ray for being a good
person and a true friend.
Trina Losinno,
Executive Director