Katie Clancy
Nov 1, 2008
For more than two years you have been instrumental in promoting
the right to vote for people with disabilities at SPIN, Inc., in
the Philadelphia area and across the Commonwealth.
You have organized educational opportunities for people to learn
about the voting process; you have spearheaded numerous voter
registration drives and, of course, you work tirelessly on Election
Day to encourage and ensure that everyone who is registered to vote
gets out to vote.
Your leadership in SPIN's partnership in the Committee of Seventy
has resulted in many opportunities for both education and
volunteerism. Six teams were out in the wards or at Committee of
Seventy headquarters ensuring that people with disabilities were
welcome voters this November 4th. Your efforts have resulted in a
high percentage of people supported by SPIN, Inc. to exercise their
right to vote. In the recent election 94% of our registered voters
cast their ballots.
In addition to raising awareness of voting rights at SPIN, Inc.
you have presented at the Philadelphia DSP Conference and the PAR
Solutions Conference and you appeared in a training video produced
by the Commonwealth's Department of State, Division of Help America
Vote to train poll workers about the voting rights of people with
So, on behalf of the Board of Directors, your fellow employees and
all of the people who have become "voters" I am pleased to honor
you as the Employee of the Month. Your belief that people with
disabilities, if given the opportunity, education, encouragement
and support can participate fully in the democratic process is a
shining example for all of us about the power of believing. Thank
you for all of your hard work.
Trina Losinno
Executive Director