Sunday, January 5, 2025

Mattie Szafranski

Mattie Szafranski

Apr 1, 2007

Dear Mattie:

When I read Chante's nomination letter I couldn't help but think of some of the thoughts and words of the song The Wind Beneath My Wings. I think you are one of the people who make the Norcom Community Center "shine and fly higher than an eagle" and don't even think to take any credit. But today we're all here to tell you that your work has not gone unnoticed and we've got it all, and you, in our hearts.

You come to work not on time but early every day. Not such a big deal; but you do it so you can straighten up the front desk and the lobby so that all is in order as people begin to come into the Center. You believe in first impressions are lasting impressions!

You know the people we support; we expect that of staff. But you know a hundred plus! You also know parents, support staff from other agencies, the Paratransit drivers and the NCC members. You not only greet them, you call them by name, answer their questions and go out of your way to help them get to where they want and need to be. Now that's good customer service!

And when you're not here, you are missed. Everyone asks about you and wants to know when you'll be back. You have a mutual love fest going on here between you and everyone you come in contact with. 

I'm always impressed with your calm, quiet approach to problem solving and the gentle way in which you tell me I'm in the wrong place for a meeting. You never make me feel "dumb"; you just help me figure out where I should be and send me on my way with a smile. You do that dozens of times each day, everyday, and never, ever lose your "cool"! 

So it is a great pleasure to honor you today as Employee of the Month and extend to you our appreciation for all you do for SPIN, Inc. and the Norcom Community Center. The Board of Directors, your colleagues, and everyone who visits NCC are so glad to have your love and support and your outstanding example of people to people customer service.


Trina Losinno
Executive Director