Patrick Young
Sep 1, 2006
When a large cruise ship pulls into harbor in New York City,
those on board and those waiting on the dock to greet it make lots
of noise and create a real party-like atmosphere. Hardly anyone at
all notices the little tug boats that steer the ship into the
berth. Without the tug boats, the large ships would not be able to
navigate the waterways and no one would cruise the high
Well, Patrick, the Finance Department strikes me as the big boat
and you and other staff are the tug boats that assure that it stays
afloat. Thankfully, your work was noted by one of those bystanders
on the dock. Ellen Becker works with you every day and appreciates
your many talents and brought them to our attention. She states in
her nomination letter, "I so appreciate your help because you are
dependable, reliable, respond quickly and are admirably organized!
Any request to generate information is responded to timely - there
is no waiting around for you." She goes on to say that you manage a
variety of tasks with a great deal of skill and quietly produce
whatever it is that anyone needs.
So, on behalf of the Board of Directors, your fellow employees and
everyone who benefits from your hard work, I am pleased to honor
you as Employee of the Month. We all thank you for your constant
and dedicated support. Congratulations!
Trina Losinno
Executive Director