Friday, March 7, 2025

Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams

Aug 1, 2008

"You have to have confidence in your ability and then be tough enough to follow through." Rosalynn Carter's words seem to sum up your short but successful experience providing support to the men who live at our Barcalow CLA.

Previously, Ron, Mike and Fred were assisted by primarily male staff but over the past year many more women have become involved in their lives. When you came on board, Fred was a little bit wary of you and preferred not to go out with you or accept support from you. Wisely you had lots of patience and gave him the space he needed to get to know you on his terms. You found the things that motivated him by observing and listening. Fred loves trains; so, first you drew him pictures of trains and showed support of his interest as often as you could. Then you took him on "el" rides and opened the door to the community once again.

In addition, you have brought a new focus to the house by raising the bar on maintaining a clean and healthy home. You believe in home cooking; the men love your homemade lasagna and you help to celebrate special occasions and accomplishments just like a family would.

Now that Ron, Mike and Fred have come to trust you they are willing to expand their ideas about going out in the community so they try restaurants instead of "take out", visit parks for more active recreation and are looking forward to a trip to Atlantic City.

We are happy to recognize you today as Employee of the Month and thank you for being such a vital person in the lives of Ron, Mike and Fred. The Board of Directors, your fellow employees and Ron, Mike and Fred join me in acknowledging your dedication to making life the best it can be for those we support.


Trina Losinno
Executive Director