Friday, January 3, 2025

Savannah Brown

Savannah Brown

Jun 28, 2017

June 28, 2017

Dear Savannah,

The great Walt Disney once said “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”.

Whenever I am privileged enough to spend time in our children’s classrooms, I am in awe of the creativity that is unleashed by our incredible teachers, I am inspired by their caring commitment and unbounding talents and the outcome is the children in every classroom, regardless of their ability, grow their curiosity right before our very eyes and lead them down a pathway of success.

Lucky for us, in 2012, SPIN hired a substitute assisting teacher with boundless energy and a heart of gold! Savannah Brown was no ordinary substitute, she was something special!  Savannah, in 2014, your team quickly saw your gifts and talents and you became a permanent member of the Frankford team in 2014. Your skills and competencies are shared in your Head Start classroom with 20 high energy children and your positivism is contagious!   You are considered to be a true example of our first SPIN Pillar, People First, or as your proud Frankford management nominating team said, “little people first”.  Your smile never waivers even under the most difficult challenges.

Your nominating fan club said “Savannah creates such fun and creative learning experiences for the children. Once a week was sensory play – tables were covered with every type of messy material you can think of such as slime, paints, markers, paper, homemade play doh and shaving cream. Savannah and her coworker moved between the tables totally engaging the children (many of whom have challenging behaviors). The children LOVED the experiences and were better able to follow the classroom routines. Messy was so much fun the children frequently asked for it knowing there was nothing too messy for Ms. Savannah.”

Savannah, your love and talents are also shared in the Full Day/Full Year program as you support the children until 6PM every day.  You and your partner, Alyson, engage the children in wonderful, meaningful play in the playpark, you provide fun dance and story experiences and plan and implement games and activities the children truly enjoy and learn important skills like working together, compromising, decision making, and leadership.

Savannah,  your team shares that you are a Wonder Woman as you not only work  full time in Children Services, are an amazing mother of two great sons, go to school full time AND you also work part time as a Direct Support Professional on weekends in SPIN’s Residential Services. You share your positive energy and creativity with the many adults that have and continue to be fortunate to be supported by you.

Savannah, you exemplify SPIN’s four Pillars and your excellence is recognized by all stakeholders. You and your colleagues place these children on a Head Start and how lucky our children are to have Ms. Savannah and her co-workers as their teachers! The formative years are so precious and ensuring that the early education teacher understands the whole child tops the list of qualifications. SPIN Children Services is dedicated to hiring the “Right Fit” teacher and Savannah there was no doubt we did just that.


Miss Savannah, on behalf of the SPIN Corporate Board, SPIN Managers, your colleagues and most importantly the children, adults and families who you touch each and every day, I extend my deepest recognition and appreciation on this most deserving Employee of the Month Award for May, 2017.  Thank you for supporting people big and little to live a life of possibilities as you     keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because  your curious and your curiosity keeps leading us all down new paths.


Judith Dotzman
Executive Director