Tanya Scott – Wessels
Feb 1, 2011
Dear Tanya,
"Nurses are a special breed of people. They get up in the morning
and go to work with one simple, yet profound purpose in mind: 'I
will care for you'."
You truly care for each and every one of the ladies and gentlemen
you support to have the best possible health. You visit them
frequently, you call on nights and weekends to check on them, and
you take a holistic interest in their lives. You make it your
business to get to know their likes and dislikes; their dreams and
desires; their fears and challenges. You spend hours on the phone
with family members as well to listen and to address their
You also work tirelessly with teams who also support the people on
your caseload. You listen, teach and advise staff so they can do
their jobs effectively. No matter how busy you are, you always make
time for others. You are known for your upbeat attitude and your
ability to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Jill Hoefler said, in her nomination letter, that you work hard to
see that each individual's needs are met and you follow up on every
issue. She gives, as an example, the case of someone being in the
hospital receiving a medication with which you were unfamiliar.
When you returned to your office, you researched the medication and
found that the individual had an allergy to that medication. Of
course, you followed up with the hospital staff
It is a pleasure to honor you today as Employee of the Month and
to thank you on behalf of the Board of Directors, your colleagues
and all of the people you support to have good health and a healthy
lifestyle. You dispense the most important medicine of all:
Trina Losinno
Executive Director