Sunday, December 22, 2024

DSP Thank You 201215

Hello Everyone,

As you are aware, National Direct Support Professionals week is recognized during the month of September. Specifically this year, we will recognize all of you during the week of September 9 thru 15, 2012. I would like to say a personal “thank you” to all Direct Support Professionals who may have supported any of the individuals in our programs over the years. As we continue to work together to enhance the status of direct support professionals and promote the development of a highly competent workforce, we recognize that people needing support are more likely to achieve their life dreams if they have well-trained, experienced, and motivated people at their side in long-term, stable and compatible supportive relationships.

The purpose of this letter is to commend all of you for your commitment and dedication to each of the individuals whose lives you impact every day. Whether you are assisting them with their daily care needs or supporting them on a vacation; you always know exactly what to do to ensure that their outcomes are achieved and, all of your efforts are greatly appreciated by many, including the individuals and their families. 

Thank you for taking the time to meet the many needs of all of the individuals that we support. I sincerely appreciate the time you spend helping people realize “a Life of Possibilities”. Again, thank you so much for all that you do. 

Best Regards,

Frank Brown
Corporate Officer, Residential Services

Direct Support Professional Recognition Week
Agenda of Activity 

1:00 – 2:00
Join in the Kick Off Celebration at NCC:

* State Representative Gene DiGirolamo will congratulate SPIN’s Direct Support Professionals Chief Staff, for Brendan Boyle, Dan Lodise and Chief of Staff for Kevin Boyle, Seth Kaplan will present a Citation from the Commonwealth of PA.

* A Thank You presentation  along with a video will be a part of the activities

* Light refreshments will be served (a celebration cake, of course!)
Health Services Department will offer a small token of appreciation in the triage area

Stop by the Finance/IT Departments for an afternoon snack – delicious soft pretzels

Behavioral and Developmental Services, Community Access and Professional Development will have light, healthy snacks throughout the day, and a special treat made especially for you by the Human Resources Department 

SPIN West will have soft pretzels available all day (8am – 6pm) at the Vernon Road office.

Visit the Corporate Office or Norcom Community Center for a cup of coffee and a donut or healthy breakfast treat from 9am to 11am

Behavioral and Developmental Services, Community Access and Professional Development will have an additional day of light, healthy snacks.

Also be on the lookout for lots of surprise messages on SPIN’s portal. And, if you see a green ribbon being worn by SPIN’s managers and administrators…they are wearing it in support of YOU!

Mark your calendar!