Thursday, September 19, 2024



Thanks to everyone involved in supporting individuals and staff during and after two snowstorms this winter! Res. Op. did an incredible job working tirelessly to find coverage and troubleshoot staffing concerns. I am very appreciative of everyone’s efforts this week. I know how difficult it was just to get here. In extreme circumstances and adversity, the strength of this team really becomes evident. I have already heard some amazing stories of how our staff weathered the storm and made the best of a tough situation. Please share some of the stories and extend your thoughts and appreciation to our staff through the web portal. They certainly deserve a lot of recognition for their dedication, support and work throughout the week. And Real Property started digging us out in the wee hours of the morning. We are very appreciative of your countless hours of hard work in support of our homes and even supporting our neighbors! And we have the best plowed commercial parking lots in the area!