Wednesday, February 5, 2025

B.E.S.T. Team

B.E.S.T.Team — January - March 2011

Jan 1, 2011

Dear B.E.S.T.Team,

In her nomination letter, Karen Smith referred to you as "fun loving, hard working, intelligent and outside the box thinkers". I've had the pleasure recently of observing some of you in action in the classrooms where you support the children on your caseload. I whole heartedly agree with her!

Despite the challenges and growing pains of moving from a pilot project to a fully funded program, your commitment to the children and their families have helped you remove barriers, overcome obstacles and develop a "state of the art" program to support the educational process of children with Autism. Working with families is a delicate balance of support, caring, teaching and growing of the families' understanding of Autism. It is no easy task for families to come to grips with their child's diagnosis and to develop the skills to address the many challenges Autism brings to their families' everyday lives. Each of you is there for all of them in the classroom and in the community. I was inspired when one of you shared with me the story of what it took to support a family in getting their child's hair cut by a barber in the community. It was a success! You were so proud of the child and his family. Pure joy shown on your face as you related this event. I know that each member of this team could tell us dozens more of these awesome happenings. Your work is incredible. 

As behavior specialists and Child Development Support Specialists you are committed professionals and you work continually to educate yourselves to develop your skills. You're not shy about seeking guidance from others so that you can provide the most effective and up-to-date instruction to children and families and to help families navigate the complex system that they must now deal with. You have really become true advocates for and with them and prepare them well for the many challenges they will encounter in the future. 

Karen also said in her letter, "This team truly deserves accolades and commendation for their dedication, commitment and vow to grow together, to be supportive to one another, the children and the families." It is my pleasure today to bestow these accolades and commendations on you and honor you as the Team of the Quarter. Thank you for your dedication to our mission and your love of the children and families you support. 


Trina Losinno
Executive Director