Wednesday, February 5, 2025



Jan 1, 1900

April 26, 2017

Dear Leandra Davis, Sametta Dahn, Sheena Carney, Merika Lezin, Patience Abalo, Naomi Holliman, Siah Freeman, Ashakeya (Keya) Dyches-Holly, April Anderson, and Gretel Wheaton,
SPIN assures families that we provide high quality people-first support throughout a person’s lifespan. We also tell people that we strive to support people to age in place and to live a life of possibilities. Ultimately, you are what you do, not what you say you will do. Lucky for us that we have the Lansing team that delivers this promise every day. In fact, the Lansing team is our role model on how to make the promise of a life of possibilities across the lifespan come true. 

This team exemplifies resilience, determination and positivity. Anyone who sees you in action knows each of you has a big heart and collectively that heart grows in size and strength.  Over the past year, this team has learned, planned, persevered, created, celebrated, mourned, supported and shared and then done it all over again. It is often said that in going through adversity we find our greatest strengths. It is also true that when we go through life’s challenges nothing helps more than having caring people around us. The Lansing team has survived adversity and grown stronger together this past year.  

As their leader and Assisting Director, Megan Russell wrote in her nomination letter for Team of the Quarter, “The Lansing team really deserves to be named “The Team of the Year”.  Their efforts, teamwork, and resilience were present in all 365 days and there are too many wonderful examples of why Lansing is a team to be recognized.” 
For 11 months, you supported Alice Leftridge to live in her home while on hospice care. During those 11 months Alice lived a full life of possibilities with as active a lifestyle as her health could support. No matter what you all assured Alice looked and felt her best. Throughout her last year of life, Alice wore beautiful, colorful outfits and her hair was styled professionally every month. You planned an incredible 1920’s style grand speakeasy themed birthday party for Alice and a huge group of friends. Alice loved it and even splurged by eating some chocolate frosting.   Thanks to all of you, Alice passed away peacefully in her home surrounded by people who loved and cared for her.  You all ensured she was as comfortable as possible and that she knew that she was loved for all of her last moments.  For this, I cannot even begin to thank you enough. 

The Lansing Team also supports Shawn Bradley who has provided many moments that required you to bring your best skills forward. Shawn has experienced advanced dementia over the last few years and her support needs change weekly, sometimes daily.  You not only quickly adapt to these changing needs, you always communicate on changes and concerns for Shawn with one another and to all of Shawn’s other team members, ensuring she receives the best support from everyone. Shawn enjoys spending her days telling everyone to” look at your shirt” and “gotcha”.   You know how to encourage Shawn to get through her rough days by engaging her wonderful sense of humor. You also provide caring support to Maryann DeGovann.  Maryann had a difficult year with the loss of her brother.  You have all helped Maryann through this by helping her talk through her grief.  You have encouraged Maryann to participate in many preferred activities throughout the year.  In using your knowledge of Maryann’s favorite things to support her, you are currently helping her plan a fancy tea party to host for a few near and dear friends.  Knowing how this team does things, I am certain it will be a tea party that puts Maryann front and center and one that everyone will enjoy and talk about for months after.

With only 1-hour notice, on March 13th, the incredible women of the Lansing team welcomed Celestine Marchaman to the Lansing Street home.  Celestine moved into Lansing as an emergency situation and was very upset and stressed prior to her move.  You lovingly and caringly welcomed Celestine with open arms.  You made her feel welcome and at ease.  In the little bit of time Celestine has been at Lansing, you have supported her to be active and to  increase a few of her skills, for example you are working with her on her cooking skills.  While you are still getting to know Celestine, there is no doubt that you are going to form the same strong bond that you have with Shawn and Maryann. 

In a year of constant change and challenge, the strong, dedicated Lansing team provided stability, care, and comfort to Alice, Shawn, Maryann, and Celestine. Your Assisting Director has written that she is honored to work alongside each and every one of you. For my part, I am honored that you are all part of the SPIN team and family and I am very proud to say that the Lansing team exemplifies SPIN’s promise to people and that this team lives SPIN’s Pillars regarding how we bring that promise to life for each person we are so privileged to support.

On behalf of SPIN’s Corporate Board, the management team, your colleagues and especially, Alice, Shawn, Maryann, and Celestine, congratulations to the outstanding Lansing team for being awarded SPIN’s Team of the Quarter for January through March 2017! We admire and deeply appreciate each of you and all that you do!

Warmest Regards,


Kathleen Brown McHale
President & CEO