Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Marchman — July - September 2008

Jul 1, 2008

I have had the pleasure of visiting at Marchman on two occasions: once to do a Healthy Cooking training and again to honor DSPs during the DSP Week celebration. On both occasions I was extremely pleased to meet the members of this team, see the order and cleanliness of this home and appreciate the comfort level of CJ and Brian.

Though Brian and CJ have called Marchman home for only six months, they have grown amazingly in independence and responsibility. Each has taken on some daily chores which they hadn't done before, much to the surprise of their families. Each has built trust with their staff and security with their surroundings to the point where Brian feels free to show family members to the door when he feels their visit is over. CJ has accomplished numerous medical appointments and gained about 20 lbs. to achieve a healthy weight.

This hasn't happened overnight or by chance. It has taken the Marchman Team months of planning and communicating with Brian's family and CJ's grandmother to help them gain confidence in SPIN's ability to support the men safely, respectfully and with growth toward greater independence as the goal. Planning and communicating also plays a huge part in this group of "staff" being a real team. I witnessed first hand your willingness to participate and be helpful to one another, your camaraderie and your interest in learning new ways to support Brian and CJ. One cooking class speaks volumes!

So it is my pleasure to honor you today as Team of the Quarter and to thank you on behalf of the SPIN Board of Directors, your fellow employees and especially Brian and CJ for being an exemplary group of people and one amazing team! 


Trina Losinno
Executive Director