Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Claridge Team

The Claridge Team

Jul 26, 2012

Dear Regla, Ceahara, Martha, Tamara, Aidia, Jean, Kehinde, Shakia, and Regina AKA the Claridge Team,

Eileen, Minerva and Jill are three very lucky women!  They have a dynamic team of “whatever it takes” Direct Support Professionals putting them first in every decision and action they take.   Over the past few months this wonderful team has steadfastly supported Eileen, Minerva and Jill through a very difficult time.  These women were faced with an extraordinary situation that resulted in them being unable to live in their home for an extended period.  Living in a hotel may be fun when you’re on vacation, but it can be a very challenging lifestyle for an extended period and especially for three women with many support needs. This team followed every protocol to ensure the health and safety of all three women during the hotel stay and throughout various transitions.  They attended to every detail with perfection to help remediate the situation.   

As we all know at SPIN, it’s all about relationships and this team was able to provide continuity and security for the women in their new surroundings because of the wonderful, supportive relationships they have built with each of the women.  They brought their knowledge of the women’s needs and wants as well their own skills and abilities to find ways to make them comfortable and happy.  They created a home away from home, demonstrating once again that home is about the people who are there with us and who love us, not about what roof is over our heads.  The members of the Claridge Team exemplified SPIN’s first Pillar of People-First by addressing every need of each woman on a customized basis, never missing a beat with routines and favorite activities.    

Professionalism is so imperative when circumstances are challenging, yet many people will use an extremely challenging situation as an excuse for failing to be professional.  Not so with the Claridge team; this Team demonstrated their professionalism in many ways.  They performed their job accountabilities with a smile, without complaint, expressing their care and dedication consistently.  In further illustration of their “no excuses” professional approach, they even did their progress notes on their own computers and had perfect work attendance!     This Team experienced an unfortunate situation and dealt with it with utmost strength, and commitment.

The Claridge Team is now in the process of planning Eileen’s 72nd birthday party.  They have saved all the addresses from the cards of family members and friends, purchased invitations and sent them out to everyone in Eileen’s life.  They are doing everything to ensure Eileen has a great birthday party. This is going to be a party that is not to be missed!

In their nomination letter, Debbie Ridge and Janice Mongan wrote, “This team is very dedicated to Eileen, Minerva, and Jill. Often individual staff and entire teams do incredible things everyday and think we do not notice or understand.  Well we do, especially in this case!  This team went above and beyond everyday (in ways we may not even be aware of) to make sure the ladies they care about would have the best day they could regardless of the circumstances.  We are appreciative and proud of this team.  Telling their story and nominating them for this recognition award is our way of saying thank you. You do a wonderful job!!”

It is absolutely my pleasure and privilege to name Regla Baez, Ceahara Shumate, Martha Nason, Tamara Tully, Aidia Valentine, Jean McGuckin, Kehinde Alliyu, Shakia Scriven, and Regina Stahl, AKA the Claridge Team as the April to June 2012 Team of the Quarter and on behalf of Eileen, Minerva, and Jill, the SPIN Management Team and the SPIN Corporate Board to congratulate and thank you for your performance excellence.

My Warmest Regards,

Kathleen Brown McHale
President and CEO